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With more and more businesses turning to online platforms for their operations, there is an increased demand for effective cyber security solutions. As a result, many companies are investing in cyber security solutions to protect their data and systems from malicious attacks. The question is which one is right for them. In this category, we’ve gathered a list of cyber security companies that you can have a look at. Enjoy!
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Secureworks is a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, offering tailored approaches to address each organization’s unique needs. Their expertise, …
CrowdStrike, a leading provider of cloud-delivered endpoint and workload protection, is revolutionizing cybersecurity. CrowdStrike’s proactive approac…
LexisNexis Risk Solutions is a global leader in providing advanced technology and data analytics for risk management. With a vast repository of billio…
McAfee is a leading cybersecurity company that provides comprehensive protection and innovative solutions to consumers and corporations. Their consume…
VIEW DETAILSCritical Start
Critical Start is a leading cybersecurity company providing innovative solutions to protect organizations from cyber threats. Their team of experts de…
VIEW DETAILSBarracuda Networks
Barracuda Networks is a leading provider of cloud-enabled security and data protection solutions. Their portfolio includes products such as Barracuda …
VIEW DETAILSAbnormal Security
Abnormal Security is a cybersecurity company that employs advanced AI technology to revolutionize email security. Their platform proactively detects a…
VIEW DETAILSMicro Focus CyberRes
Micro Focus CyberRes is a leading provider of integrated cybersecurity solutions, offering innovative products and services to protect organizations f…
ManageEngine is a leading provider of comprehensive IT management software solutions. Founded in 1996, it is a division of Zoho Corporation. Their mis…
Deep Instinct is a cybersecurity company that uses deep learning technology to provide advanced protection against cyber threats. Their neural network…
Splunk is a leading software company that enables organizations to leverage their data for valuable insights. Their powerful platform collects and ana…
Datadog is a prominent monitoring and analytics platform that offers comprehensive visibility into an organization’s infrastructure and applications. …
VIEW DETAILSWhich Security Tool, Platform, Service Provider Works Best For You?
Choosing the right security platform, service provider, or tool is essential to ensure the safety of your data and systems. With so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which one works best for you. However, with some research and due diligence, you can find a security platform, service provider, or tool that meets your needs and provides reliable protection for your organization.
What are The 5 Types of Cyber Security?
Cyber security is an ever-evolving field essential for protecting our personal and business data from malicious attacks. It can be divided into five main categories: network security, application security, endpoint security, data security, and identity management. Each category has its own set of tools and strategies to protect against cyber threats. In this article, we will discuss the five types of cyber security in detail and how they can be used to protect your digital assets.