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Handshake is a dynamic career networking event tailored for college students and recent graduates. It provides a platform where attendees can explore personalized job opportunities, engage in virtual career fairs, and connect with top employers through university partnerships. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive resources, Handshake empowers participants to kickstart their careers and make meaningful professional connections.


Handshake is a premier career network platform that connects college students and recent graduates with employers. It provides a bridge between academia and the professional world. Launched in 2014, this platform  has grown rapidly. It partnered with thousands of universities and colleges to offer students access to a wide array of job and internship opportunities.

Why Handshake?

University Partnerships: Handshake collaborates with over 1,200 universities and colleges, providing exclusive access to their students. This extensive network ensures that students and recent graduates have a centralized platform. A platform to explore job and internship opportunities tailored to their fields of study and career goals.

Customized Job Recommendations: Using advanced algorithms, Handshake provides personalized job and internship recommendations based on users’ profiles. These profiles includes their education, interests, and career aspirations. This customization helps students find the most relevant opportunities quickly.

Virtual Career Fairs and Events: Handshake hosts virtual career fairs, networking events, and employer info sessions, making it easier for students to connect with potential employers. These events are particularly beneficial for students seeking to expand their professional networks and learn more about various industries.

Student-Friendly Interface:
The platform is designed with students in mind, offering an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies the job search process. Students can easily create profiles, upload resumes, and apply for jobs and internships directly through the platform.

Employer Reviews and Ratings: Handshake includes reviews and ratings of employers, submitted by students and alumni. This feature provides valuable insights into company culture, work environments, and overall experiences, helping students make informed decisions about where to apply.

Handshake stands out as a vital career network for college students and recent graduates. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools and resources to aid in their job search. With its extensive university partnerships, personalized job recommendations, virtual career events, student-friendly interface, and employer reviews, Handshake effectively connects young professionals with the right career opportunities. This platform doesn’t only helps students and graduates launch their careers. It also enables employers to find and recruit top talent from academic institutions across the country.

More on Handshake

Handshake offers a wealth of professional development resources beyond job listings and networking events. These resources include resume-building tools, interview preparation guides, career advice articles, and skill development workshops. By providing access to these resources, Handshake helps students and recent graduates enhance their career readiness and competitiveness in the job market.

