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CyberSN is a specialized job platform for cybersecurity professionals. It uses a unique matching system to connect individuals with the right job opportunities, leading to faster hiring, better matches, and higher retention rates. They also offer resources and promote diversity within the field.


The cybersecurity landscape is booming, but finding the perfect job fit within this ever-evolving field can be challenging. Enter CyberSN, a specialized platform designed to connect top cybersecurity professionals with their ideal career opportunities.

Founded in 2014, CyberSN goes beyond traditional job boards. It utilizes a unique “talent matching” approach, ensuring both employers and candidates speak the same language (figuratively, of course). This is achieved through a shared taxonomy and criteria for building professional profiles and job descriptions. This innovative approach translates to:

Reduced Time & Cost: Both employers and candidates save valuable time and resources by focusing on relevant opportunities.

Increased Match Quality: The platform prioritizes aligning candidates’ skills and experience with specific job requirements, leading to higher-quality matches.

Improved Retention: CyberSN boasts a 3.5x higher retention rate compared to industry norms, highlighting the effectiveness of their matching process in fostering long-term employment satisfaction.

Beyond matching, CyberSN offers additional resources for both sides of the equation:

Career & Hiring Center: Access salary data, career mapping tools, and insightful industry content to navigate your cybersecurity career journey.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DE&I) Focus: CyberSN champions inclusivity within the cybersecurity field, fostering a diverse and thriving talent pool.

Whether you’re a seasoned cybersecurity professional or just starting your journey, CyberSN offers a valuable platform to find your perfect match and contribute to a secure digital future.

How Does "CyberSN" Job Platform Work?

For Cybersecurity Professionals

  • Build a Confidential Public Profile: Instead of a traditional resume, professionals create a profile highlighting specific tasks and project experience. This allows employers to discover their skills without revealing personal information, promoting diversity and inclusion in the hiring process.
  • Connect with Relevant Opportunities: The CyberSN platform uses its taxonomy and criteria system to match your profile with job descriptions, ensuring a good fit between your skills and the job requirements.
  • Access Career Resources: Utilize the platform’s career center for salary data, career development tools, and valuable industry information.

For Employers:

  • Targeted Recruitment: Utilize the shared taxonomy and criteria system to write clear and concise job descriptions that attract qualified candidates.
  • Efficient Matching: Reduce time and resources by focusing on candidates whose skills and experience closely align with your job requirements.
  • Improved Retention: CyberSN’s matching system aims to create better job fits, potentially leading to higher employee retention rates compared to traditional methods.

Overall, CyberSN offers a specialized solution for both cybersecurity professionals and employers seeking a more efficient and effective way to find the perfect match.

